List of police stations under CMP
There are currently 16 police stations operating under CMP.
- Akbar Shah Police Station
- Bayazid Bostami Police Station
- Chawk Bazar Police Station
- Kotwali Police Station
- Bakolia Police Station
- Sadarghat Police Station
- Doublemooring Police Station
- Khulshi Police Station
- Panchlaish Police Station
- Chandgaon Police Station
- Halishahar Police Station
- Pahartali Police Station
- Port Police Station
- EPZ Police Station
- Patenga Police Station
- Karnophuli Police Station
History of Chittagong Metropolitan police
Chittagong Metropolitan police (CMP) has begun its excursion on 30 November, 1978. Cmp has begun its beginning voyage with the region of 128 square mile & with its populace of 10,00,000. Cmp is keep running by the Chittagong Metropolitan police Ordinance, 1978. Mr. M Sharif Ali was the first police Commissioner of CMP. At the introductory stage, CMP began its course with six police headquarters, thirty out posts and six police box just. Basically CMP had two wrongdoing divisions to be specific North Division & Port Division, Headquarters Division, City Special Branch (City SB), and Traffic Division. A short time later Detective Branch (DB) and Protection & Protocol division has begun their excursion. In 1984, CMP has got the consent to utilize 3238 police personnel`s at diverse levels. In 1988 another division is built up by CMP in particular Riot Control Division (RCD) and CMP made 591 unique posts for the police personnel`s. In 2000 on the requesting of expansion individuals, CMP has separated its six police headquarters into twelve. At present CMP has 16 police headquarters, 31 stations, 05 IC (Investigating Center) and 6 police box. All out representative of CMP speaks the truth 5,785. CMP is keep running by a Police Commissioner (DIG) with the assistance of 2 Addl. Police Commissioners,10 Deputy Police Commissioners, 15 Addl. Appointee Police Commissioners & 23 Asstt. Police Commissioners.
Chittagong Metropolitan Police Organogram

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